Lun-Ven: 8:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Plastic Production
EU Parliament approves new rules to reduce, reuse and recycle packaging
European Parliament voted by a large majority on Wednesday (24 April) to approve new rules to reduce packaging waste, partly by promoting the reuse and recycling of certain packaging types. The rules rubberstamped by the Parliament were negotiated and agreed with national governments in March 2024 and include targets to progressively reduce packaging (5% by...
How might polymer production overcapacity lead to an extended period of low material prices?
Mike Boswell aka @polymerman explains how polymer producers aim to maximise profit by minimising production costs. However, overproduction in a market with excess capacity may lead to lower prices and force less efficient producers to shut down.
Turnover of Plastics Producers Down more than 20%
German plastics producers are in crisis. Both turnover and production fell significantly in 2023. Plastics Europe Germany is talking about the worst crisis in the industry‘s history. It is hoped that the planned Growth Opportunities Act and the circular economy will stimulate growth.