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Analisi delle dimensioni e della quota del mercato cinese dei materiali plastici: tendenze e previsioni di crescita fino al 2029
Il mercato cinese delle materie plastiche ingegneristiche è segmentato in base al settore dell’utente finale (aerospaziale, automobilistico, edilizia e costruzioni, elettrico ed elettronico, industriale e macchinari, imballaggio) e in base al tipo di resina (fluoropolimero, polimero a cristalli liquidi (LCP), poliammide (PA), polibutilene tereftalato (PBT), policarbonato (PC), polietere etere chetone (PEEK), polietilene tereftalato (PET), poliimmide...
Unisciti alla community di per condividere idee e pratiche di un nuovo paradigma mettendo sempre più e sempre meglio l’informazione in circolo
Passo dopo passo, abbiamo costruito un progetto ambizioso, un giornale e un hub che promuovono una visione di società equa, inclusiva e in armonia con le risorse naturali attraverso il giornalismo costruttivo. Crediamo che l’economia circolare possa essere uno strumento di progresso sociale e di rigenerazione degli ecosistemi, e siamo qui per dare il nostro...
Circular Plastics Netherlands invests €35.5 million to drive innovation in plastics recycling
Circular Plastics Netherlands is an initiative backed by the Dutch National Growth Fund, which has set aside €35.5 million to foster innovation in plastics recycling through 2025. The application process for subsidies begins on February 18 and will conclude on May 20, 2025.
Plan for the Ban (Double Update Edition): Canada’s Proposed Roadmap to Extend the Life of Plastics in Electronics and a New Plastics Recycling Standard is Introduced
Plan for the Ban (Double Update Edition): Canada’s Proposed Roadmap to Extend the Life of Plastics in Electronics and a New Plastics Recycling Standard is Introduced
Envalior announces new PPS compounding facility in Europe
To better serve growing customer demand in Europe and the Americas, Envalior – a global leader in sustainable and high-performance engineering materials – announces that it will invest in a PPS (Polyphenylene Sulfide) compounding facility in Europe.
Toray to build new plant in China for high-performance resins
Toray Industries, Inc. (Tokyo) announced that Toray Plastics (China) Co., Ltd. will establish a new production site for high-performance resin compounds. These materials deliver excellent heat and chemical resistance and mechanical strength. Common applications are automotive electrical components and electrical and electronic connectors. The new facility at the premises of manufacturing subsidiary Toray Resins (Foshan)...
CHINAPLAS Focuses on Green, Smart, and High-Tech Solutions for a Sustainable Future of the Plastics and Rubber Industries
China remains crucial in global economic growth, with a steadily expanding Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) and confidence in meeting growth targets, solidifying its position as a powerhouse in the global economy.
Performance Elastomers Market Expected to Reach USD 35.76 Billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 7.70% | Introspective Market Research.
Dow and Changchun FAWSN Automotive Technology R&D Co., Ltd. collaborated to explore the use of polyolefin elastomer (POE) artificial leather and POE-based 3D Loop solutions in the automotive sector in 2024.
Plastic Pellet Market in 2025 Key Factors and Emerging Opportunities with Current Trends Analysis 2032
The Plastic Pellet Market is witnessing significant growth driven by increased demand for lightweight materials in packaging, and construction.
Circularity in the Mobility universe
The Circularity Gap Report annually assesses the circularity of the global economy, which refers to the proportion of resources that are reused or recycled after use. Although there is increasing discussion of a circular economy, the reality is quite different: our circularity, already low, is declining. In 2023, it stood at 7.1%, down from nearly...